String-Duo Violin & Viola
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Offenbacher Post 19.3.2012:

Glück des Forschers

Seligenstädter Klosterkonzert mit Duo Halaf und Langheim

von Eva Schumann

Seligenstadt. Ein ganzer Konzertabend mit nur zwei Streichinstrumenten? Schon ein einzelner Geiger hat es schwer, ein größeres Publikum zu locken. Ein Duo mit Klavier hat immerhin neben Klangfülle ein vielfältiges Repertoire zu bieten. Dass auch die Kombination Violine-Viola punkten kann, dafür lieferte das Duo Hagit Halaf und Christoph Emmanuel Langheim beim Seligenstädter Klosterkonzert im Edith-Stein-Saal den Beweis.

In der Passacaglia aus Händels 7. Cembalosuite in der Bearbeitung durch Johan Halvorsen überraschte das Duo mit fast orgelmäßigem Vollklang und einfallsreicher Ausführung der Variationen. Das eher der Hausmusik zugehörige, nicht allzu umfangreiche Repertoire dieser Besetzung hatte Langheim mit Fantasie, Geschick und Forscherglück bereichert. Die Transkription von Schuberts berühmten "Ave Maria" stammte von ihm. Die Singstimme übernahm die Geigerin. Der Gesang ihrer Violine war berückend, ohne ins Sentimentale abzugleiten.

Vor allem war es ein italienischer Abend; Von dort kamen Transkriptionen beliebter Opernarien. So die Sopran-Cavatina "Cara adorata immagine" aus Pacinis längst vergessener Oper " il Barone die Dolsheim" oder die Bass-Arie "Sorgete in si bel giorno" aus Rossinis "Maometto secondo", die Antonio Mussi verfertigt hatte. Geige und Bratsche tauschten die Rollen und brillierten um die Wette. Mit der Ouvertüre zum "Barbiere di Seviglia" in der Transkription Francesco Tascas wagten sie sich gar ins Abenteuer eines Orchestersatzes.

Witz und atemberaubende Virtuosität bewies das Duo in Paganinis Variationenstück "Carnevale di Venezia". In drei Stücken aus den "Pezzi ebraici" von Riccardo Joshua Moretti, arrangiert von E. Ghezzi und Langheim, war besonders Hagit Halaf in ihrem Element. Schwungvoll begleitet von Langheim, traf sie mitreißend den Charakter der spritzigen, sehnsüchtigen, tänzerischen Melodien. Mit "Invierno porteño", "El Desbande" und "Otoño" zeigt das Duo, dass es auch im Tango nuevo zuhause ist.

Frankfurter Neue Presse 17.11.2010:

Klassische Klänge für guten Zweck

Bad Vilbels Rotarier verhelfen Brunnenschule zu neuen Profi-Maschinen in der Lehrwerkstatt
Musik, Gedichte und Geschichten zum Thema «Die
romantische Lust am Werden und Vergehen» präsentierte der
Rotary Hilfsfonds Bad Vilbel bei seinem 14. Benefizkonzert in
der Volksbank. Wie immer verband der Club musikalischen
Genuss mit kulinarischem und vor allem sozialen Engagement.

Bad Vilbel. Der Erlös des Konzertes fließt als Spende in den Kauf neuer SHAPE   * MERGEFORMAT
Profimaschinen für die Lehrwerkstatt der Vilbeler Brunnenschule.
Werkstücke von Schülern aus Holz wie Vogelhäuschen, Vasen oder
Fußbänke konnten gekauft, bestellt und gewonnen werden.
Gestaltet wurde der Abend von Altbürgermeister Günther Biwer als
Rezitator, seinem Stiefsohn Christoph Emmanuel Langheim (Viola) und
dessen Frau Hagit Halaf (Violine). Das Trio präsentierte ein in zwölf
Themenbereiche untergliedertes Programm mit romantischer Musik
und gefühlvollen Texten aus drei Jahrhunderten. Günther Biwer trug Gedichte und Balladen von Dichtern wie
Novalis, Heinrich Heine, Erich Kästner, Wilhelm Busch und Robert Gernhardt vor. Alle haben sich in
unterschiedlicher Weise mit dem Leben, der Liebe, der Lust am Werden und Vergehen beschäftigt.
Die jeweilige Stimmung der Verse unterstrich Biwer geschickt mit Gestik und Mimik. Zur Freude seiner Zuhörer
spielte er dabei lustvoll auf der Klaviatur der Gefühle. Da war vom Träumen die Rede etwa im Heine-Gedicht
«Allnächtlich im Traume» oder bei Erich Kästner in «Eine Frau spricht im Schlaf». Da philosophierte Wilhelm
Busch in «Geschmacksache» über das Essen und Trinken und Gerhard Reisch in «Ich» über «Ich-Werdung». In
der Rubrik «Reflexionen»zu hören war das «Akokalypsen-Programm» von F. W. Bernstein. Darin heißt es unter
anderem: «Mittwoch um die zehnte Stunde wird kein Geld mehr ausgezahlt.» Was bei der Volksbank an diesem
Abend zutraf.
Dafür gab es von der israelischen Geigerin und dem deutschen Bratschisten passend zur Lyrik klassische Musik.
Zu den von den international bekannten Musikern mit großer Virtuosität gespielten Stücken gehörte Riccardo
Joshua Morettis «Ebraica», Edgardo Donatos «A media luz» oder Robert Schumanns «Die Träumerei». Klar,
dass die Familie nicht ohne Zugaben gehen durfte.

Gazzetta di Parma 28.6.2010:


L’affiatato String Duo inaugura con sapienza «Chiostro d’estate»

E’ stato il suono morbido e raffinato del violino e della viola ad inaugurare sabato,nella cornice del chiostro della chiesa dell’Annunziata, la sesta edizione diChiostro d’Estate, la rassegna concertistica organizzata da Parma OperArt e

Associazione Amici di Padre Lino col patrocinio del Comune di Parma e lacollaborazione del Convento dell’Annunziata.

Protagonista dell’incontro è stato infatti lo String Duo formato da Hagit Halaf

e Christoph Langheim, rispettivamente violino e viola, formazione sorta poco

meno di dieci anni fa e che, costituita da due musicisti dall’intensa attività

solistica, da camera o in eminenti compagini orchestrali, ha presentato un

programma di grande piacevolezza che andava dal barocco haendeliano ai tanghi

di Piazzolla passando per Rossini, Schubert, Pacini, Paganini, con una puntata alla

musica d’oggi, benché imbevuta della lunga storica tradizione ebraica, con una

composizione di Moretti. Programma eclettico e particolarmente impegnativo,

per le caratteristiche intrinseche date dall’unione di questi due strumenti

eminentemente monodici, le caratteristiche stilistiche delle pagine successivamente

presentate, e quelle virtuosistiche di quasi tutte le trascrizioni (d’epoca o moderne,

alcune dello stesso Langheim) nelle quali le varie pagine erano state riviste, a

cominciare proprio dalla celeberrima Passacaglia di Händel da Johan Halvorsen, per

non parlare poi di quelle, già votate dalla nascita a questa peculiarità, come

Il Carnevale di Venezia nella versione di Paganini, o la Sinfonia rossiniana dal

Barbiere di Siviglia, le arie operistiche di Pacini o ancora Rossini, per citarne

solo alcune. Le pagine più moderne aggiungevano ulteriori sfaccettature a

questa ricca proposta, offerta con grande proprietà stilistica e saldezza tecnica

da due musicisti a loro agio nel risolvere con disinvolta musicalità le difficoltà di

queste pagine, in un risultato salutato dal pubblico con molti convinti

applausi, e ripagato… a suon di musica.♦ v.r.s.


Amazon US, customers CD review, September 2010: 5.0 out of 5 stars

"Superb String Playing", September 19, 2010, CD review

This album is resplendent with excellent string playing. Both Ms. Halaf  and 

Mr. Langheim far exceeded my personal expectations as well as those of 

my husband; we are both violinists and violists by profession.

I  found this album when searching for rich, well-rounded

repertoire that  was playable and accessible to both the contemporary 

and classical ear. Halaf and Langheim demonstrate an impressive attention 

to detail, both  in their individual playing and as an ensemble. This CD 

is a delight to  the ears and I highly recommend it to anyone interested 

in well-played  violin and viola duos.

Krista, St.Paul, MS, USA

American Record Guide 2008:

Martinu: 3 Madrigals

Mozart: Violin & Viola Duo 2

Piazzolla: Otono Porteno; Invierno Porteno

Hagit Halaf, v; Christoph Emmanuel Langheim, va;

Romeo 7261 – 48 minutes


This is the first I have heard from this husband-and-wife duo, and I am impressed. Hagit Halaf is the violinist and Christoph Emmanuel Langheim is the violist. The program is attractive, beginning with the liveliest, most colourful performance I’ve heard of the Three Madrigals, written in 1947 for the great brother-sister duo of Joseph and Lilian Fuchs. The madrigals are not written in Renaissance style; Martinu just liked the contrapuntal technique of madrigals, so he composed several works, vocal and instrumental, with that name.

I was surprised to hear the duo take a period-performance-practice approach to the Mozart. Vibrato is largely eschewed, and when used it is narrower and more chaste than we are used to hearing today. Articulation and note length, which are everything in the interpretation of music of the classical era, are given a good deal of thought here. I find it salutary when musicians avoid vibrato in music from this time and look for other means of expression. I quibble with some decisions on note length in this reading, but on the whole I find the phrasing more authentically classical than I’ve ever heard before. It’s not that there’s anything wrong with vibrato in music of this period; it’s just that it tends to distract most musicians from more important things. So the music doesn’t sound bland and boring, matters of articulation and note length must be attended to with great care in the absence of vibrato. Only then will the music’s classical logic be made clear. Also, vibrato seduces most musicians into sustaining notes longer than they should in classical music. This performance has truly Mozartean character and the duo conveys both the grace and humor of the music.

At last, here are some works by Astor Piazzolla that I like. I’m not sure if I’ve heard these works before – Autumn at Buenos Aires andWinter at Buenos Aires – perhaps I have but I just like these arrangements. The variety of tone color this music has with just two instruments is remarkable. Halaf and Langheim really feel the smoky, jaunty moods of autumn and the desolation and yearning of winter.


BBC Music Magazine 2008:

„Mozart – whose B-flat Duo, K424, forms the centrepiece of an appealing programme from the STRING-DUO. With an elegantly tailoredAllegro and neatly-turned variation Finale, Christoph Emmanuel Langheim on viola particularly enjoys Mozart’s indulgence of his favourite stringed instrument. To left and right is a sultry, melancholy-infused performance of two movement from Piazzolla’s Seasons, and a vivid account of the last of Martinů’s pithy instrumental Madrigals (*****).

Another rewarding partnership…”

Bob Briggs 2008:

This is, in general, a most enjoyable disk. Nothing profound in the music, but it’s played with such enjoyment and style that it is irresistible.



1. Frankfurter Neue Presse 18.11.2010

ENGLISH: "Thrilled the audience: the violinist Hagit Halaf and violist Christoph Emmanuel Langheim."

"Among the pieces played by the internationally known musicians with great virtuosity were Riccardo Joshua Moretti’s “Ebraica”, Edgardo Donato's “A media luz” or by Robert Schumann “Träumerei”. Clear that the family wasn’t allowed to leave without having played some encores."

ITALIANO: “Entusiasmano gli ascoltatori: violinista Hagit Halaf e violista Christoph Emmanuel Langheim”

“Tra i pezzi, eseguiti con grande maestria e virtuosismo da questi musicisti noti su livello internazionale, c’erano «Ebraica» di Riccardo Joshua Moretti, di Edgardo Donato «A media luz» oppure di Robert Schumann «Träumerei». Chiaro che il pubblico non lasciava andare la famiglia senza aver chiesto dei Bis.”

DEUTSCH: "Begeistern ihre Zuhörer beim Benefizkonzert: Geigerin Hagit Halaf und ihr Mann Christoph Langheim."

"Zu den von den international bekannten Musikern mit großer Virtuosität gespielten Stücken gehörte Riccardo
Joshua Morettis
 «Ebraica», Edgardo Donatos «A media Luz» oder Robert Schumanns «Die Träumerei». Klar,
dass die Familie nicht ohne Zugaben gehen durfte."


2. Gazzetta di Parma 28.6.2010

The well-rehearsed String-Duo opens skilfully the “Chiostro d’Estate”

The smooth and noble sound of violin and viola opened last Saturday the Festival Chiostro D’Estate…

Protagonist was in fact the Sting-Duo formed by Hagit Halaf – violin – and Christoph Emmanuel Langheim – viola (…)

They offered a very appealing programme starting from Händel and reaching the Tangos of Piazzolla, by way of Rossini, Schubert, Pacini, Paganini as well as music of the present, allthough soaked by the long Jewish tradition, with a composition by (Riccardo Joshua) Moretti…

An especially challenging, virtuoso and varied programme (…) offered with great stylistic and technical security by two musicians at their ease to resolve with relaxed musicality the difficulties of these pieces. The result was appreciated by the audience with many convinced applauses which was in turn repaid...with music.♦ v.r.s.


3. Wetterauer Zeitung (Germany) March 28th 2009

"Love, tragedy and rhythm in high dosage"

"Strict and longing sound of the Tango from the instruments of the String-Duo".

"Popular and classical Tangos performed with furious sound and rhythm."

"Thanks to the String-Duo and Günther Biwer(narrator)Tango has now found also in Bad-Vilbel new fervent admirers..."

"The perfect coordination of violin and viola of Halaf and Langheim, contributed to the enormous success of this evening equal to the eloquent, emotionally intense and intellectually sound manner of the narrator Günther Biwer."

4. Kreisanzeiger(Germany)January 7th 2009

Nicht nur die Augen, sondern auch die Ohren verwöhnt.

String-Duo bietet exquisite Kammermusik.

Das Publikum quittierte das virtuose Spiel von Halaf und Langheim mit andauerndem Beifall.

5. Kreisanzeiger (Germany) February 25th 2008:

The musicians of this evening were a stroke of luck. 
With the “Poco Allegro” movement of Bohuslav Martinů’s contemporary “three madrigals” for violin and viola the duo showed that string instruments are able to sing, producing delightful cantabile sounds. 
Song likely and with the classiest of ease they played Giovanni Pacini’s Cavatina “Cara adorata immagine”. 
Gorgeously played was the bravura piece of the duo, Paganini’s "Il Carnevale di Venezia" as well as two Piazzolla Tango’s – the early composition “El Desbande” traditional and dancing, the second “Invierno Porteño” with all the erotic tinged melancholy, as we know from this composer. 
An evening that the audience enjoyed so much that it concluded with their enthusiastic applause.

6. The EpochTimes Israel, April 2007:

He and She Israeli and German with viola and violin 
- the music speaks for them and the audience gets emotionally involved. 
When they are armed with their instruments, they succeed more than anything else to express the advantage of music as a powerful instrument for reconciliation, approach and heart uniting on one hand and on the other hand as a medium for universal messages that cross borders and nations. 
These two instruments belong to the same family of sound and this is what made it possible to Hagit and (Christoph) Emmanuel to combine their companionship to musical harmony, where the violin and the viola can sound like two violins, like violin and cello, like viola and cello or like two violas whatever they choose.
He seems to be born with the viola in his hand, with sensitivity and calmness he produces gentle and delicate sounds and she gives the tone with the violin. 
In their playing the two give space to the artist as well to the human being. Behind their professional identity are roots and sorrowful history that are not contradicting the universal message.

7."New York Concert Review", spring 2007 edition, by Anthony Aibel, about the Carnegie Hall concert:

"Halaf and Langheim, string duo, respectively from Israel and Germany, performed virtuoso material that was polished, fine-tuned, passionate and engaging. Piazzolla's Otoňo Porteňo, arranged for string duo by violist Langheim, was a piece of fine craftsmanship and showed a performance of solid preparation; Handel-Halvorsen's Passacaglia was rich and Strong-toned."

8. Frankfurter Neue Presse (Germany), January 2004

The musical contributions of the young couple,

among them works by Robert Stiegler, Joseph Haydn and W.A. Mozart, were rewarded with thundering ovations of the mainly senior audience.

9. Frankfurter Rundschau (Germany), January 2004

Musical interludes on high level. During the musical interludes the two show the class, that the top-level-orchestras demand on them.

10. Wetterauer Zeitung (Germany) January 2004:

Succeded blend of texts and music ... with a sophiticated, from accentuated recited verses and masterly interpreted pieces, compounded program, appeared G. Biwer (recitation) as well as Hagit Halaf (violin) and Christoph Emmanuel Langheim (viola). With perfect coordination of violin and viola Hagit Halaf and Christoph Emmanuel Langheim enchanted the guests

11. Christopher Hogwood (Conductor): 
Their interpretations are honest and fresh, with a fine sense of style. Besides excellent playing, great care goes into their interesting choice of repertoire.